Sri Chinmoy Tri Club's SBR-Mini DUATHLON (run-bike-run)
Ideal for triathletes who want multisport practice, or anyone who wants the challenge of combining two sports.
Upcoming races
About the event
TOCKINGTON DUATHLONS ARE BACK! And down in price to 10 pounds per race.
As part of British Triathlon's new Swim-Bike-Run-MINI event series, our beginner-friendly duathlons are back for 2025 with a choice of distances and the usual welcoming, easy-going atmosphere. The venue as per usual is Tockington Manor School and provisional race dates are shown below - online entry will open late 2024.
SwimBikeRun-MINI Duathlon - 30 March 2025 - Enter Online at - select Book Online for your chosen distance then set up a Free Account for the British Tri website to proceed.
SwimBikeRun-MINI Duathlon or Triathlon - 3 August 2025 - Enter Online at - select Book Online for your chosen event/distance then set up a Free Account for the British Tri website to proceed. Note: this event offers a choice of Triathlon or Duathlon so make sure you book the right race!
SwimBikeRun-MINI Duathlon - 14 September 2025 - Enter Online at - select Book Online for your chosen distance then set up a Free Account for the British Tri website to proceed.
If you have ANY problems signing up online please email [email protected] for help.
All 3 races offer a choice of distances - while most will opt for the 3k Run - 10k Bike - 1k Run option, there is an opportunity for those without much training behind them to still get a taste of Duathlon with the new 1k Run - 5k Bike - 1k Run option which takes place at the same time on the same course so everyone is in it together. The May event is a Duathlon wave held alongside our beginner's Try-a-Tri Triathlon event.
Our Swim-Bike-Run-MINI Duathlon is aimed at people training for a triathlon who want multisport practice, or anyone who wants the challenge of combining two sports in a fun race! There will be a limit of 80 people taking part to keep the course uncrowded and to stay in line with the aims of the SBR-Mini initiative which is focussed on small, short races for those new to Multisport. Think "like a parkrun but with a bike ride in the middle" and that pretty much sums it up! Note to first-timers - you don't need a flash bike for Swim-Bike-Run events, any roadworthy machine is fine including hybrids, tourers and mountain bikes (e-bikes are permitted if the battery is removed for the race).
Latest photos at:
Bike route -
Runners and Riders
A short clip from our July 2016 race showing runners completing lap 3 of the field while the faster competitors exit on to the bike course - I've also uploaded a clip of 2 riders transitioning back from bike to run, showing how "informal" our transition area is!
3k run, 10k bike, 1k run
Start time
- 8.30am (arrive 7.40-8.10))
- £20
Garga Chamberlain

- Permitted/insured by Triathlon England / 2024 permit pending
Upcoming Races
Race route and transitions
2024 - We're back with 3 Duathlons at Tockington Manor school, as well as our popular first-timer's Triathlon (the Try-a-Tri) on the late May Bank Holiday. For the duathlons, there are new distance options and an improved transition but otherwise it is business as usual. The price is fixed at 20 pounds per event as part of the Swim Bike Run scheme, but we do have the thumbs up from British Triathlon to offer Entry on the Day AND series-entry where you buy two / get one free (40 pounds for the full, 3-race series). Contact us for details.
RACE INFO - Toilets are in the Pavilion, first aiders are at the start/finish and also the sweep vehicle. There is no high-security bag storage but bags can be left on the terrace and the Race Director will be happy to look after car keys if required - just mark these with your name before handing them over e.g. using a label or tag.
To download the bikeroute - see MAP MY RUN - . Note - we use the same route for our Triathlon/Duathlon events so on Map My Run it appears as TOCKINGTON TRY-A-TRI ROUTE.
The run route is detailed below:
RUN - 1KM or 3KM - The run course takes in 2/5 laps of the sports field alongside our race HQ, The Pavilion at Tockington Manor. The entire course is flattish and on grass - we recommend running shoes with a bit of grip if you have them.
TRANSITION - after completing the run, athletes will pick up their bikes and wheel them 100m or so to the exit, where they will mount up before taking the left turn (marshalled) on to the road.
BIKE - 5KM - From Tockington the course is either one or two laps of a 5K loop on predominantly flat lanes around Tockington/Awkley. On a Sunday morning there should be hardly any traffic on most parts of the course, but riders will be expected to obey the highway code and ride safely at all times. There are a few slopes up to bridges on the course but nothing I would call a "climb" so the course is relatively fast and beginner-friendly at the same time. The only right turns on the course are at Tockington Green just before the end and as you re-enter the field to dismount, both are marshalled. At all other points the course is well signed and very easy to follow. A sweep vehicle containing a first aider and/or a bike mechanic will follow the riders in case anyone needs assistance. Please note that "bunch riding" is not permitted in this event - riders will be expected to ride separately and leave space between themselves and the rider in front, except when overtaking.
SECOND TRANSITION & FINAL RUN 1KM - after completing the bike course, riders will push their bikes back to the transition area, then complete another flat, 1KM run around the field, this time in the opposite direction. The finish line will be between the banners at the of the field by the Pavilion, please ensure your race number is clearly visible as you approach the finish, thanks!
Directions and parking
For directions to the event, click here. Parking will be in the school car park approx 150m from the Pavilion, please take car when wheeling your bikes down to the Pavilion from the car park as all roads on the course are open during the event.