Barry 40 Miles Track Race.8th March 2009.

This was my first Barry 40 and my first ultra-race and at the end I promised myself it would certainly not be my last Barry 40. It was a great experience to run further than I have ever run before, and to run such a distance around a track. Many of my colleagues at work commented that it will be boring and they all said"How can you run 160 laps around a track!?" Well, I never got bored once. Sometimes you think of stuff and a myriad of experiences and people, and other times your mind is just blank and you have no thoughts whatsoever. Nature entertains you - the weather was constantly changing- it started in sunshine with a brisk breeze, then torrential rain and high winds, to hailstone, sleet and sunny periods, and finally ending in a torrential downpour and freezing cold.

There were periods in the race when it was tough. That was to be expected and I was mentally prepared for that. As I was carrying a few slight injuries and niggles these became more prominent as the race progressed. But interestingly, as I consciously relaxed and didn't think of the pain the discomfort tended to subside. I banished all doubts that I would not finish and just kept looking ahead and moving forward. Sri Chinmoy's words:"The goal is ahead of you" played constantly in my mind and heart. Sri Chinmoy eloquently said,"There is only one perfect road, and that road is ahead of you, always ahead of you".

Around the 30-mile mark I struggled to keep running as I started to slow and I started to experience waves of nausea and tightness in my muscles. However, I remembered a comment by the legendary fell runner Billy Bland,"If you've had a bad patch, just hang on and it'll pass".   Well, I did hang in on there by running and walking a bit until the bad patch passed and picked up the pace again as the 6 hour cut-off point was prominent in my mind as I wanted to finish under 6 hours. I knew I would be cutting it fine, but I had no doubt I would not complete within the 6 hours and I finished strongly in 5:56:59. Plenty of time to spare!