Seven inspirational quotes for runners.

We all need help with our motivation at times, whether we are training for the Olympics or beginning a jogging program to lose weight. Running has long been seen as a sport where inspiration is the key to both the enjoyment of the sport and the level of performance. These quotations have been selected to help motivate and inspire you on those days when it's hard getting out of the door to train. Enjoy!

The determination in your heroic effort will permeate your mind and heart even after your success or failure is long forgotten.

Sri Chinmoy

I always loved was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.

Jesse Owens

Running is freedom, it is expression, it is a pouring out of the life-force within us

Bruce Tulloh

Dreams can come true, especially if you train hard enough.

Dean Karnazes

There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year, years in my life.

George Sheehan

You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

Steve Prefontaine

A runner runs against himself, against the best that's in him.

Bill Persons