A big thank you to everyone who turned out on such a dreich night for the last Sri Chinmoy 2 mile race of the summer series. Have a good winter and we'll see you again next summer.
A big thank you to everyone who turned out on such a dreich night for the last Sri Chinmoy 2 mile race of the summer series. Have a good winter and we'll see you again next summer.
Result Sri Chinmoy 5k Race, Wednesday 7 September 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh
Here are the results from last night's relay race and also the fastest times of the night. These are compiled to the available data which we have but if you have any queries please contact us at [email protected]. There may be the odd typo/split error which we are happy to look into and rectify as necessary.
We would like to give a HUGE APOLOGY to the TOP KATS team who actually came in 2nd female team and we didn't award them their medals at the prize giving. We did give them medals after the prize giving and the results have been changed to show their 2nd place. Well done girls.
Video/photos to follow.
Lastly, A VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along. We wouldn't have been able to organise last night's race without some help, and thank you to everyone who came along to help us on the night. And of course to the runners, you really make the atmosphere with your enthusiasm for the relays, which we all love organising and running.
Results of Sri Chinmoy 2 miles, Wed 20 July 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh
Results of Sri Chinmoy 2 miles, Wed 13 July 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh
Results of Sri Chinmoy Races 5k, Wednesday 6th July 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Athletic Club’s Iain Whitaker was a close winner of the Sri Chinmoy 1 mille race at the Meadows on June 29th. He crossed the line in 4.40 a second ahead of Shettleston’s Peter Avent with Julien Barrable (Corstorphine) third a further second behind in 4.42 .
There was also a close finish in the ladies race with Gala’s Kirsten Maxwell (5.25) just holding off Edinburgh AC’s junior, Pippa Carcas (5.26). Sophie Collins , Edinburgh Uni Hares and Hounds was third in 5.45. There were veteran’s victories, for Kenny Rankin (MV50 Falkirk) 5.23 from Carnethy’s Mike Andrew, 5.29. Allen Marr from Anster Haddies was top MV60 prize in 5.39. Alan Gordon (HBT) was first MVet 70 in 7.42. Woman’s veteran winners were: Vet 50; Claire Gilchrist (Ferranti) in 6.30; Vet 60 Linden Nicholson (Lasswade ) in 6.56 and Vet 70 Betty Gilchrist in 7.43.
Results from Sri Chinmoy Races 2 mile, Wednesday 22nd June 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh
If anyone found a pair of Ronhill tracksters please phone us at Run and Become 0131 313 5300 or email [email protected]
There was a women's win for Sophie Collins ( Edinburgh Uni H+H) .Collins was through the first loop in 6.04 a few seconds ahead of Linlithgow’s Lynne McGill, and Portobello’s Emma Baker . Her winning time was 19.39with Baker ,19.58, just getting the better how McGill 20.01
There were over 50’s win for Falkirk’s Kenny Rankin 18.30 who just got the better of Carnegie’s John Hynd ( 18.39) Martin Veal took the Vet 60 with 20.14. In her first week as a vet 50 Ferranti’s Claire Gilchrist won with 22.17 to make a family double as Mum, Betty, took first vet 70 in 25.44 Cecilia Heron was first woman over 60 Next week’s race is a 2 mile at 7pm.Video and photos on gallery.
Results of the Sri Chinmoy Races 5k Wednesday 14 June 2017, The Meadows, Edinburgh
Hamish Battle (Metro Aberdeen RC) was a clear winner of the Sri Chinmoy Races 1 mile race (4 min 42 sec) in the Meadows, Edinburgh on Wednesday 25 May. He was followed home by a group of Corstorphine athletes, obviously having their own little club battle: Stuart Livingstone (4.55), Alistair Brockie (4.57), Tom Wilson (4.58) and David Hall (4.59) 1st female was last week’s 2 mile winner Kirstian MacRuary, Corstorphine in 5.24, 3 seconds ahead of Georgia Tindley HBT with Portobello’s Emma Baker taking 3rd female in 6.06 Kenny Rankin was 1st MV50 in 5.22; with Portobello’s Jim Scott 1st MV60 in 5.59. Betty Gilchrist was 1st FV70 in 7.59. Next race is in 2 weeks time 8 June which is a 5k.
Results from the Sri Chinmoy Races 2 mile race, Wednesday 18 May 2016, The Meadows, Edinburgh.